The Benefits Of Installing An Electric Fireplace

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Fireplaces are a significant aspect of Canadian culture. They add beauty and aesthetic value to the house. For a long time, Canadians were using...

Fireplaces are a significant aspect of Canadian culture. They add beauty and aesthetic value to the house. For a long time, Canadians were using wooden fireplaces for generating heat and light, but now they have shifted towards electric fireplaces. There are many benefits of using electric fireplaces over wood or gas fireplaces

Electric fireplaces are environmentally friendly

In the past, Canadians were using wood fireplaces for their homes. This led to widespread deforestation as people cut down trees for wood. Using wood as a fuel in fireplaces is also very harmful to the environment as it releases toxic gases like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide into the environment. These gases are detrimental to both the environment as well as the health of Canadians.

Gas fireplaces are also not environment friendly. Although they are better than the electric fireplaces, they are not at all a sustainable option. These fireplaces release harmful gases like Methane and carbon monoxide in the air.

 Electric fireplaces can be considered as an eco-friendly option. It does not release      harmful gases or particles in the environment. It also does not leave harmful residues like soot or creosote. Electric fireplaces also do not result in negative environmental impacts since they      require      electricity for their      functioning which can be produced from sustainable sources like solar and wind energy.

Electric fireplaces are easy to install

Electric fireplaces can be installed in any place in the house, such as the living room, study room, office, bedroom or kitchen, unlike wood and gas fireplaces. It can also be easily moved from one place to another place, compared to other forms of fireplaces. A gas fireplace also cannot be connected anywhere but there is always an appropriate spot for connecting electric fireplaces.

Ensures safety

Electric fireplaces are safer compared to both wood and gas fireplaces. Unlike them, electric fireplaces do not produce real fire so there is no risk of any fire hazard. Use of wood or gas fireplaces poses a risk of health hazards like getting poisoned from toxic gases like carbon monoxide or methane but no such risks are associated with the use of electric fireplaces. There is also no risk of inhaling harmful particles like fine dust. 

Affordable and low maintenance

Electric fireplaces are affordable and require low maintenance, unlike wood and gas fireplaces. Wood is a costly item. Gas fireplaces also use expensive gases like Propane. They also require proper maintenance. In the case of wood fireplaces, one must clean the chimney, remove soot and clear creosote buildup.  All these problems can be easily avoided by using electric fireplaces. Electric fireplaces use electricity which can be obtained from cheaper sources like solar energy. This helps in saving a considerable amount of money and time. These fireplaces are very much convenient for the Canadians.

A power outlet is required only

Electric fireplaces do not require any flue or gas pipeline, unlike other forms of fireplaces.  These fireplaces only require a constant supply of electricity which can be easily provided by a power outlet. These fireplaces are very      convenient for people with small houses as they require less space.

Electric fireplaces are easy to manage

Managing electric fireplaces is not at all a difficult process. It’s very easy to manage them. One can either increase or decrease the temperature just by the touch of a button. It is also possible to set the time of heating by using a timer. 

The world is already suffering from the harmful effects of climate change and it is high time that people start using sustainable options like electric fireplaces.
